Industrial Processing Research Department is one of the PRC main departments in which all research, technical consultations, case studies and services for the oil sector in fields related to downstream activities are carried out. Oil and gas processing, flow assurance studies, conceptual design studied together with production associated problems, such as corrosion, mineral scale, organic deposition, and biological activities are conducted. Among other samples, the oilfield chemicals and specialty products, including scale and corrosion inhibitors, demulsifies and other materials are analyzed and tested to ensure its quality. Full crude oil assay and petroleum products properties are carried out and quality control services are provided.
Department Divisions
- Research activities including studies related to formation damage derived from scale formation. Water- water compatibility studies including the screening of scale inhibitors.
- Static evaluation of scale inhibitors efficiency by using jar test.
- Dynamic evaluation of scale inhibitors under reservoir conditions by using dynamic tube blocking test (PMAC – 4002).
- Thermal stability of scale inhibitors.
- Injection and formation waters compatibility test under reservoir temperature (using incubator oven).
- Analysis of water ions using ion chromatography (ICS-2000).
- Measuring the rate of formation of Barium Sulfate scale by using turbidity meter.
- Oily sludge evaluation including :
- Sludge fractionation to total hydrocarbon, water, and inorganics
- Fractionation of total hydrocarbon into n-alkane soluble fraction (maltenes) and n-alkane insoluble fraction (asphalthenes)
- Fractionation of n-alkane fraction into Saturates, Aromatics, Polars and resins fractions (SARA method).
- Quantitative analysis including the percentage of all the mentioned fractions.
- Asphaltene Index.
- Problems related to asphaltene formation in oil fields.
- Testing of oilfield chemicals used by oil companies and service companies for quality control and screening purposes.
The main activities
- Routine analysis for crude oil and petroleum products and quality control certification.
- Crude oil evaluation including crude oil assay and detailed crude oil assay Studies.
- Preparation of Mineral and synthetic lubricating oil base stock.
- Feasibility of producing mineral lubricating oils from Libyan crude oils.
- Conduct scientific and technological research for the implementation of refining, petrochemical and gas processing projects (selection of technologies, technical and technological solutions for optimum operation and maintenance).
Crude Oil and Petroleum Products sections:
- Crude oil distillation lab.
- Crude oil properties lab.
- Light and Heavy fuel oil and grease lab.
The main activities
- Simulation and optimization of industrial processes including scientific and technological solutions for energy saving economic efficiency improving for existing oil and gas processing plants.
- Assurance studies including wax appearing temperature, asphaltene content and the wax and asphaltene offset tendency.
The Process Engineering division sections
- Process engineering section.
- Reaction engineering section.
- Rheology section.
The Main Services Provided
- To conduct crude oil assay and properties and quality control services for all petroleum products.
- To carry out studies and laboratory services related to production associated problems, such as corrosion, mineral scale, organic deposition, and biological activities.
- To carry out water- water and oil – oil compatibility studies.
- To provide technical consultations and services for the oil sector in fields related to downstream activities, such as oil and gas processing, flow assurance studies, conceptual design studies.
- To provide analysis and testing of oilfield chemicals and specialty products used by oil and service companies, including inhibitors, and other materials.
- To provide mineral oil and used oil analysis.
- Material selection and failure studies.
- Assurance studies including wax appearing temperature, asphaltene content and the tendency of offset for wax and asphaltene.
All laboratory services and studies are accomplished through fully equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art tools and facilities (Standard test methods are used) and up to date commercial simulation softwares.