
Petroleum Engineering Department provides key laboratory data for reservoir optimization. It provides technical consultation studies services relating to formation evaluation, reservoir characterization, reservoir simulation and well performance evaluation.

In our Reservoir Laboratories, we are committed to offer our client in-depth understanding of their perspective reservoir properties and behavior. The holistic approach we adopt for rock and fluids analysis supports our clients in their decision making.

To increase the effectiveness of our approach, we continuously making efforts to improve our services and processes. Thus, we always endeavor to equip/ add our fully skilled technicians and highly qualified experts with the state of the art equipment and tools to ensure that our clients get the highest degree of data accuracy and reliability.

Petroleum engineering department consists of three main sections: reservoir rock section, reservoir fluid section and drilling fluids and formation damage section which provide consulting and conducting studies and researches related to:

  • Routine and Special core analysis Studies.
  • PVT and EOR Studies.
  • Drilling Fluids and Formation Damage Studies.
  • Rock Mechanics Studies
  • Working with and providing support to others LPI technical departments to grant solutions of oil industry problems.
  • Working with well-known international and national firms, universities and institutes through Participate in joint venture studies to gain the experience, knowledge and transfers the technologies.

Department Sections

  • Reservoir Rock Section

The Reservoir Rock Section is established to determine the petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks and basic data necessary for exploration and petroleum engineering work.

Conventional Core Analysis, (CCA) LAB.

Sample Preparation

  • Drilling and cutting (plugs or whole sample)
  • Samples numbering, cleaning with solvent and drying using oven

Full diameter core analysis

  • Porosity and grain density
  • Horizontal air permeability Kmax, 90 degrees
  • Vertical air permeability

Plug sample core analysis

  • Porosity and grain density
  • Horizontal air permeability
  • Vertical air permeability
  • Horizontal and vertical air permeability including Klinkenberg corrections
  • Fluid saturation by Dean Stark or by Retort method
  • Digital probe parameter to measure permeability on full diameter of slabbed core


Special Core Analysis, (SCAL) LAB.

  • Mercury injection capillary pressure (multi points)
  • Mercury injection capillary pressure drainage & imbibition
  • Mercury injection capillary high pressure (up to 60,000 psi)
  • Porous plate cell capillary pressure air-water or oil -water multi point at ambient conditions
  • Capillary pressure air-water or oil -water by using centrifuge
  • Formation resistivity factor at ambient conditions Formation resistivity factor at overburden pressure
  • Resistivity index at ambient conditions
  • Liquid permeability measurements at ambient conditions
  • Clay swelling and fine movements
  • Evaluation of critical velocity
  • Relative permeability unsteady state at ambient conditions
  • Relative permeability unsteady state at reservoir conditions
  • Water flood test at ambient conditions
  • Amott Wettability (imbibition and dynamic displacement)
  • Porosity and permeability as a function of overburden pressure
  • Rock compressibility
  • Reservoir Fluid Section

Our reservoir fluid section performs Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT) analysis of reservoir fluid using the latest and most advanced equipment and technologies available to the industry.

Reservoir Fluid Section consists of two main laboratories (PVT and EOR laboratories) which are managed and staffed by highly trained and experienced personnel operating under strict safety and quality guidelines.